The Dump Your Diet Guide [FREE]

Instagram VS. Reality

Don't let the photo fool you.

I'm a real human here to have a real impact. I work with REAL people with busy schedules and real-world barriers like lack of time, last minute plans, and need the ability to pivot on a moments notice.

This is why VIP Coaching is so transformational - it takes every day real life humans with every day problems and provides a space where healing, growth, and freedom can thrive!  

My Why:

After years of struggling with binge eating & poor body image, I decided to take control of my life and heal my body & soul from the inside out. Now I use the same powerful techniques to help others find peace with food, movement and feel good in their skin at every step of the journey.

This includes addressing gut healing, hormone balance, and reworking our relationship with the word "DIET" so it no longer resonates as something painful or stressful in our lives. In short?

It's time to Dump Your Diet.™️

Meet your Coach.

Hey friend, I'm Elena! A former public teacher turned holistic fitness coach. I coach individuals looking to help their body do what it does best - THRIVE - through a holistic approach to fitness, hormones, and nutrition.

I've had my journey with Endometriosis and Hashimoto's, endless gut issues, and spent years feeling like there HAD to be a better way. 

Guess what... there is.

I'm now determined to bring the education and support to others that I needed for myself 10 years ago.

VIP Coaching is a high-touch 1:1 coaching experience where I help busy and stressed out individuals take care of their bodies, but in a way that also support hormones, gut health, and promotes positive body image. All without giving up your favorite foods, social events, and freeing you from guilt around food and exercise.

I know you're sick of your own reasons why you can't do it now, or why it's too hard, or going back to the things that 'worked' [even though you gained the weight back]. It's time for something new.

It's time to Dump Your Diet.™️

I'm intrigued... đź‘€


Before working with Elena, I was struggling with which nutrition path to take (fat loss or reverse). After asking me some questions and monitoring my workouts, she provided a detailed description and the benefits of both options. Of course, I went with what she suggested would be the best option for me according to my goals. 


My favorite part of working with Elena is that she is very responsive and answers all questions thoroughly.

I have a history of competing, and it messed with my head when it came to food and working out. While I spent time away from the gym, I got a back injury.

Before working with Elena, I was struggling with knowing how to get back into the gym and working out without injuring myself again or developing an unhealthy mindset. 

Elena was able to put together a workout plan that started slow, and throughout the process, she was able to provide alternative exercises. Elena is communicative and responds quickly. She is the most attentive coach I’ve worked with!


Before working with Elena, I was struggling with getting back on track and being consistent in eating and working out. I had a baby and everything kind of went out of whack for me after. The pressures of motherhood and working made it difficult for me focus on things for myself. I felt guilty for doing anything that didn't involve my child or partner. Elena helped me with not only meal prep and work outs but my mindset as well. She is truly amazing and will go above and beyond for all her clients. It was the best decision I ever made hiring her :)

Before working with Elena, I was struggling with food paralysis, I didn’t know what to eat for my body or my goals! I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with my nutrition. I decided to hire Elena because of the connection I felt with her from the very first meeting. She had a well-rounded knowledge and a healthy approach that I knew would be best for me. She is your friend, your therapist, your coach, all in one. I knew that she could help me accomplish my goals with a good and healthy mindset.

The best part of Elena’s coaching is her style and her background. She is upfront and keeps it real. She genuinely has your best interests at heart. Her previous teaching skills, as well as her many years in the fitness industry constantly shine through.

Ask her any question and she knows the answer or she will figure it out in detail and dumb it down for you so you can also understand. And she will answer in length - she loves details! She teaches you how to achieve your goals, not just a cut-and-dry plan. You are able to grow and learn from her program so that you can continue on and make it sustainable.


Before working with Elena, I was very skeptical about whether I would ever be able to commit to any nutritional goals. After over a year and a half of steadily gaining weight, I lost a lot of confidence and wasn’t sure how I could bounce back. Nothing I tried was sticking and it became very discouraging.
Only a few months after I started working with Elena, I started seeing results and proved to myself that I actually CAN stick to my nutritional goals. She really helped me find something that fits my lifestyle and my needs. Once I started seeing the results I realized it may be hard work but it IS possible. I really needed that push and I am so grateful that Elena helped me recognize that I’m not as stuck as I felt a few months ago!
Best part is, I’m eating MORE than I was before, just paying far more attention to what I eat. I also really appreciate that she was able to work around my extensive list of food allergies - that has always been one of my biggest struggles and she’s made me more confident in my own ability to find work-arounds. Huge thank you to Elena for helping me see just a small hint of what I’m capable of!


If I could give myself a gift in the past, it would be this coaching experience with Elena. I started coaching to see if I could reduce my PMS symptoms and feel less controlled by my menstrual cycle. One of my hesitations I had with coaching was the idea that eating healthy sounded boring. However, I’ve found quick, convenient meals that are delicious and still nourishing for my body. Now, I don’t crave the fast food I used to want. After a little time of watching my food choices and working out, I started seeing a change. A few months later, my PMS symptoms were basically gone. It turns out, as a woman, I do not have to deal with those things. Additionally, I have two little kids and a business, and wanted to have more energy without depending on caffeine. We did that with meal timing and understanding what I ate.It was never part of the plan, but from eating nutritiously and working out, my body is also more toned and all of my clothes fit better. I can lift my little kids without feeling like I’m straining my back. I put time and dedication in to get these results, but it never felt like a hassle. Things progressed quickly, but naturally. We added and tweaked things according to how my body reacted to them. We made a pivoting plan that worked for my lifestyle, and that’s why I think we were successful. I would most definitely work with Elena again.
Count Me In

Ready to get started?

Download the Dump Your Diet Guide which is my go-to resource for nutrition basics, meal planning, and it includes a 3-day workout split for home or gym. 100% Free.